Wednesday, December 12, 2007

France is on the Upswing

France is becoming more open. People are beginning to show new colors in their personalitites. New ideas are spreading, I know because I hear people showing excitement towards reform. All aspects are beginning to change. Science is now a town favorite. I look around at night and find people gazing into the sky with an open mouth. Even I find my mind drifting into a new world of thought. The other day, I heard about a new device called a telescope which shows new surreal views of the heavens. In time I feel education as well will become strong. Education is in higher demand for people now want to learn about the latest findings in philosophy and the heavens. In time I hope to learn more about anatomy and philosophy. I will keep my journal posted with my latest findings in education.


Sunday, December 9, 2007

I Think Therefore I Am

When will the times learn. Philosophy of today is rigid and has no foundation. I have reflected deeply in regards to the mentalities of today. People must learn the proper ways. Divine right and the thought of selection is to overpowering. God is free in his own actions and the people whom he chooses to rule. There is no thought in his selection, he just chooses with freedom. Being both a mathematician and philosopher, both skills have helped me realize the rough edges of our times. I am beginning to strain western thought with my reflections on the human mind and mechanism. People are realizing that changes must mentaly be made. People are unaware of what triggers our actions today. I have come to the conclusion that "emotions" must be controlled willingly by the people whom display is irrationally. Time are changing and I believe I am very much contributing.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Checks and Balances

I believe that France needs to form its government into a system of checks and balances. They cant have an Absolute ruler anymore, its not working out. They are going to war and going into debt. They are being persecuted religiously due to the rulers beliefs. They need different branches in the government in order to keep the power spread out. That way no one will get drunk with power.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My View of France

My desire to strive for the truth is most evident through the corrections I have made to my own claims and to the fact that I continually reshaped my thoughts on the human body. Through attention to detail, I found I was able to provide clear descriptions and unprecedented anatomical drawings. This same truth and ability to correct and reform can be brought to the governments or monarchs of a country such as France. I feel that France over the years has been able to reform its religions and governments in such a way that balance and fairness will eventually be achieved. France's attempts to find truth and balance in its rule and way of life are the way I feel a country should handle itself. I respect France for its efforts.

Yours Truly,

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

We Have Been Driven Out

Today, October 17th, 1685, my religious followers of Protestantism and I were driven out of the church. Our school was demolished and we were told to switch to Catholicism. How can I change what I have been practicing and teaching all of my life? I am 26 years old and have been a Huguenot all of my life. Some of the members of the church did switch reluctantly while others are fleeing to Germany and other bordering countries without religious persecution. I myself will still believe in my religion. I will just have to practice my religion discretely. Nothing that they can do to me will change what I believe in.

Absolutism Hurt France

Louis XIV basically put France into debt. He paid for almost 300,000 soldiers which led to higher taxation on the country and poverty. He also spent money on wars in general such as the War of Spanish Succession. Due to this war, he made the Dutch and the English his enemies. King Louis also forced Huguenots to flee from France due to religious persecution. This affected the economy greatly because the hard working class was mainly Huguenot.

Living Free

I am a French Noble living in Versailles. King Louis allows us nobles to live here free and without taxes. I feel like he is trying to keep us from something. I believe he is trying to keep all of the power for himself. I’m not going to complain much because I am living a quite good life. I eat big filling meals every day while peasants are starving and near death. It’s actually quite strange how we can live tax free while King Louis is employing all of these soldiers recently. He must be taxing the peasants greatly.

“L’Etat, c’est moi!” ( I am the state!)

My name is King Louis XIV. I am the King of France and am an absolute ruler of divine right. All of France revolves around me as if I am the sun. I am living in the Palace of Versailles which is gigantic and elegant and represents me and my ruling well. It suits my elegance and swagger. I keep hearing complaints of me revoking the Edict of Nantes. Most of the Huguenots have converted to Catholicism but some are turning against me. I want this country to live and believe in the same things I do even if that means changing their religions. I am protecting this country as I have built the army up to 250,000 people. I appointed Francois le Tellier as the secretary of state for war. He will protect our country well by employing soldiers. These soldiers will enforce all of my beliefs and will be ready to fight in any war I may start.

Tour the Palace of Wonder

The Palace of Versailles! What a place of wonder and beauty! Beginning as a hunting lodge, Louis XIII needed to get away to a 15000 square meter paradise. The palace is surrounded by glorious gardens and fountains as well as wonderous rooms which lie within. Within is the historical wall of mirrors which is decorated with dozens of chandeleirs. Outside, 36000 acres of land was cleared to make room for the tree line terraces and plants. The palace as well has 2000 windows, 700 rooms, 1250 fireplaces, and 67 staircases. As well, the dozens of fountains which decorate the outside lands of the palace add much more extravagence. Many of the fountains are made from bronze which glissen in the light. The king and queen also had their own rooms with their own beds. This was because sleeping together wasnt necessary unless needed for pro-creation. On the walls, there are dozens of paintings, done by hand, which add charm and beauty to the palace. Parts of the palaces walls are covered in oustanding art which gives any visitor a site like no other. What was meant to be a hunting lodge turned into a historical home which not even one king could occupy on his own. Much of the money at the time was going into the developement of the masterpiece which is now known as The Palace of Versailles.
Starvation and Taxation

September 6th 1694

I am a starving peasant on the streets of France begging for anything to eat, I don't care if it is a root of a plant that even the animals bypass I am on the verge of death here. A series of bad harvest over the past two years has reduced the harvest by an estimated 1/3 - 2/3. Everyone is starving and dirt poor. The grain prices have risen and new taxes for war on top of what we are already forced to pay leaves our pockets in starvation as well. Louis XIV has recently granted a break for five years as he prepares for God only knows what... The French peasants need help and I believe it is in Gods hands now.
Index of Websites

Monday, November 19, 2007

Politcal Changes in France through the Rule of Louis XIV
France has observed the emergence of the fully absolutist political and governmental condition under the rule of Louis XIV. The King now has control of all powers of the state, judicial, political, military, and a great amount of the religious powers. Under Louis XIV’s rule France has politically changed developing a national system of government, a professional army, and a state-directed economy all now individually managed by Louis XIV. For the first time in history France has all institutions and powers of the national state effectively controlled by one person. France has come across Absolutism and a ruler who sees himself as a representative of God. Today Louis XIV believes that he has the divine right and has therefore altered the politics of France, as we used to know them.
Henry IV's Role: The Foundations of French Absolutism and Peace?
France was a complete mess when I, Henry IV took the throne. Civil wars, poor harvest, commercial decline, and the verge of starvation of peasants were only a few of the problems I faced when taking control of France. Every one from nobles to peasants just wanted peace and my role was to create peace as best I could. Since then there has been much progress, I decided when I took the throne there should be a "Chicken in every pot" and I made that a promise. I also converted to Catholicism and sought better relations with the pope. I also in hopes of gaining Protestant confidence issued the Edict of Nantes, and made duke of Sully my chief minister. I have been trying my best to keep the peace and I have decided to lower taxes on my poor peasants and in compensation for those lost revenues I have introduced paulette, an annual fee paid by the royal officals. I have lots more to do as contuine my role of absolute peace and rule as king, and has been said that I am one of the only kings since Louis XI who truly cares about my people.

Our culture is changing, socializing is dull

Famine is everywhere. The "Black Plague" has killed off thousands of people and I am scared. People are bringing their sick to the churches hoping the priests can care for them. I have seen cases where priests have begun to turn away victims for there are to many. Workers are scarce for they are demanding higher wages and more hourse but their employers cannot provide such needs. People have begun to not leave their houses in fear that the plague will swallow their health. I myself have stayed within my walls hopind the plague will not seep through the cracks of my house. Woman are being conveyed as inferior. Guild isnt accepting woman. There are riots through out the streets, making violence part of ones routine. Entertainment is rather nauseating. People are bull and bear baiting as well as hanging others. Many families are unahppy as well due to arranged marriage which is preventing true love within our society. There are woman on the streets selling their bodies for sexual satisfaction. However there are aspects of society and culture which are changing not for the worse or better, but are just evolving. Artists are breaching the surface. Depictions of the war are vivid and are helping people realize what is really going on. These paintings become stories and a type of news for society. Artists are beginning to be hired for jobs. It seems that painting is the new profession. I feel that painting will be a cultural neccesity for years to come. Stories and beginning to spread along with theories and opinions. Maybe in time there will be new theories to help shape society for the better. Printing is beginning to spread new ideas to new distances. People are beginning to be heard instead of outspoken. As well, clocks have helped increase organization within our society. Merchants now know the best hours of sales. As well, this helps give peopl more of a schedule especially for education. Times are being set for class and so forth. There are positives to society right now however are irrelevant to many aspects of the big picture. Hopefully these advances will spread into larger apsects of society. Until then, we need to hold ourselves together and fight through this depression which roams the streets everyday.

Another day another issue

Politics are driving half the city to insanity! A giant war has broken out which has been cleverly named the "100 Years War". So far much has been fought in France. France needs to figure a way to reconcile with the English or else this may never halt. This has become our civil war which I believe is the driving force to the unneccasry length of such a war. As well, chivalry seems to be coming to an end. Ive heard reports of the Scotts, pushing attacks in English territory. France very much has their support however i dont approve of the attempt to end in such a negative manner. From what I can see, i fully believe France will persevere. As well, I am beginning to see issues flare up within the Churches. I am worried for religion/morals are significant for living. Im seeing Nobles commit horrible crimes. They are robbing as well as corrupting the judicial process. What are politics coming to. Ive heard reports of grudges forming towards Italy. I am worried that the bubble will burst into a new series of horrible events. After the "100 Years War", we will be very depopulated and commercially/agriculturally ruined. Hopefully one will have the ability to revive out nation. I pray to the lords that one day, France will flourish once again.