Monday, November 19, 2007

Our culture is changing, socializing is dull

Famine is everywhere. The "Black Plague" has killed off thousands of people and I am scared. People are bringing their sick to the churches hoping the priests can care for them. I have seen cases where priests have begun to turn away victims for there are to many. Workers are scarce for they are demanding higher wages and more hourse but their employers cannot provide such needs. People have begun to not leave their houses in fear that the plague will swallow their health. I myself have stayed within my walls hopind the plague will not seep through the cracks of my house. Woman are being conveyed as inferior. Guild isnt accepting woman. There are riots through out the streets, making violence part of ones routine. Entertainment is rather nauseating. People are bull and bear baiting as well as hanging others. Many families are unahppy as well due to arranged marriage which is preventing true love within our society. There are woman on the streets selling their bodies for sexual satisfaction. However there are aspects of society and culture which are changing not for the worse or better, but are just evolving. Artists are breaching the surface. Depictions of the war are vivid and are helping people realize what is really going on. These paintings become stories and a type of news for society. Artists are beginning to be hired for jobs. It seems that painting is the new profession. I feel that painting will be a cultural neccesity for years to come. Stories and beginning to spread along with theories and opinions. Maybe in time there will be new theories to help shape society for the better. Printing is beginning to spread new ideas to new distances. People are beginning to be heard instead of outspoken. As well, clocks have helped increase organization within our society. Merchants now know the best hours of sales. As well, this helps give peopl more of a schedule especially for education. Times are being set for class and so forth. There are positives to society right now however are irrelevant to many aspects of the big picture. Hopefully these advances will spread into larger apsects of society. Until then, we need to hold ourselves together and fight through this depression which roams the streets everyday.

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