Wednesday, December 12, 2007

France is on the Upswing

France is becoming more open. People are beginning to show new colors in their personalitites. New ideas are spreading, I know because I hear people showing excitement towards reform. All aspects are beginning to change. Science is now a town favorite. I look around at night and find people gazing into the sky with an open mouth. Even I find my mind drifting into a new world of thought. The other day, I heard about a new device called a telescope which shows new surreal views of the heavens. In time I feel education as well will become strong. Education is in higher demand for people now want to learn about the latest findings in philosophy and the heavens. In time I hope to learn more about anatomy and philosophy. I will keep my journal posted with my latest findings in education.


Sunday, December 9, 2007

I Think Therefore I Am

When will the times learn. Philosophy of today is rigid and has no foundation. I have reflected deeply in regards to the mentalities of today. People must learn the proper ways. Divine right and the thought of selection is to overpowering. God is free in his own actions and the people whom he chooses to rule. There is no thought in his selection, he just chooses with freedom. Being both a mathematician and philosopher, both skills have helped me realize the rough edges of our times. I am beginning to strain western thought with my reflections on the human mind and mechanism. People are realizing that changes must mentaly be made. People are unaware of what triggers our actions today. I have come to the conclusion that "emotions" must be controlled willingly by the people whom display is irrationally. Time are changing and I believe I am very much contributing.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Checks and Balances

I believe that France needs to form its government into a system of checks and balances. They cant have an Absolute ruler anymore, its not working out. They are going to war and going into debt. They are being persecuted religiously due to the rulers beliefs. They need different branches in the government in order to keep the power spread out. That way no one will get drunk with power.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My View of France

My desire to strive for the truth is most evident through the corrections I have made to my own claims and to the fact that I continually reshaped my thoughts on the human body. Through attention to detail, I found I was able to provide clear descriptions and unprecedented anatomical drawings. This same truth and ability to correct and reform can be brought to the governments or monarchs of a country such as France. I feel that France over the years has been able to reform its religions and governments in such a way that balance and fairness will eventually be achieved. France's attempts to find truth and balance in its rule and way of life are the way I feel a country should handle itself. I respect France for its efforts.

Yours Truly,