Today, October 17th, 1685, my religious followers of Protestantism and I were driven out of the church. Our school was demolished and we were told to switch to Catholicism. How can I change what I have been practicing and teaching all of my life? I am 26 years old and have been a Huguenot all of my life. Some of the members of the church did switch reluctantly while others are fleeing to
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
We Have Been Driven Out
Absolutism Hurt France
Louis XIV basically put
Living Free
“L’Etat, c’est moi!” ( I am the state!)
My name is King Louis XIV. I am the King of France and am an absolute ruler of divine right. All of
Tour the Palace of Wonder
September 6th 1694
I am a starving peasant on the streets of France begging for anything to eat, I don't care if it is a root of a plant that even the animals bypass I am on the verge of death here. A series of bad harvest over the past two years has reduced the harvest by an estimated 1/3 - 2/3. Everyone is starving and dirt poor. The grain prices have risen and new taxes for war on top of what we are already forced to pay leaves our pockets in starvation as well. Louis XIV has recently granted a break for five years as he prepares for God only knows what... The French peasants need help and I believe it is in Gods hands now.