Sunday, June 15, 2008


France has changed very much economically throughout the years. In the beginning of the school year, no country was really doing well economically because of the Black Death. France dug out of the hole and was involved in a few years. Then Napoleon came and really put them in debt during the Napoleonic Wars and spending money on the army. Until the French Revolution, everyone was quite poor and unemployed. After the revolution, they were doing much better. Then, came World War one and two in which there was a lot of unemployment like in other parts of the world. Now, France is doing well and isn't involved with any foreign affairs really.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Ah how far France has come! From everyday living on the streets to the arts and music, to architecture and literature. People have begun to open arms and really show love towards one another. Reform is still to be made however much does not need to be changed. Since the beginning France along with many other European nations have struggled to successfully thrive, however France has conquered especially is the social aspects. World War 2 has ended and life is settling back down. I remember back in the Renaissance when nothing but chaos tended to plague the street, the government, and all aspects of life. Now, France can begin its long life of harmony and peaceful living with one another. Will we hit another social rut? Im sure. But until than, lets love and live peacefully along side one another.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What has France Become?

France is now an independent nation in Western Europe and has become the center of a large overseas administration. It is the third-largest European nation. Since the 17th century, France has played a major role in European and world events. In the 20th century, it experienced numerous crises, including the devastation of two world wars, political and social upheavals, and the loss of a large empire in Indochina, Algeria, and West and Africa. It has, however, survived and emerged from the ruins of World War II to become an important world supplier of agricultural and industrial products and a major partner in the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY (EC, or Common Market).